
I don't see how miles doesn't win the whole thing
His stuff is just so technically superior to everyone elses'. I thought jacking off on it was a little obvious, but it WAS gross, which is a form of shock. That said, the line drawing was gorgeous, and once again he just seems to be on a different playing field than

Just put "Don't touch me" in large letters on it.

The best piece of [ass] on this show is Jaclyn

Miles' was definitely in the top, no question.

He's not dubbed; he's just a fop.

I thought Miles' piece was in the top three, easy. It was certainly better than that dracula POS.

I would gladly listen to that Celine Dion song, with its harmless, vaguely enya-esque melodies, for the rest of my life than ever listen to another nickelback piece of shit.

The first time I saw Matthew ventriloquist act in the charity episode, I laughed so hard I nearly passed out. It still remains one of the top funniest moments of all time for me. Just the expectation that maybe he IS really good at it, which would be the cliched sitcom trope (the idiot with a genius talent - see

And the ashtray is the small of a woman's back, just outside the camera frame.

you don't love me, you just love my doggystyle.

post-modern art is all about the artist / author. It's pure narcissism. So it doesn't surprise me that the critics focused on that.

this show is so great
That even though I've seen the above episodes dozens of times, reading the above quotes (esp. the George 'can't envision ever having sex again') still makes me laugh out loud.

To be fair, Trong's piece did sucks balls.

I actually found the second and fourth clips above inexplicably hilarious.

I don't know about Paper Planes. Every time I hear the chorus, I think "All I wanna do is ama zoom zoom zoom and and a boom boom: just shake ya rump".

It's moments like these that make me love the avclub comment boards.

Actually, she thinks Michael Bay is "a artistic brilliant genius." I can't believe O'Neal missed that gem.

Tony Blair DID send me on a mission.

I think the chance the sun would start to go out is actually more likely than the chance that staring at it too long on the way there would turn you into a raging, near-invincible monster that is impervious to pain (aka the shit third act of this movie).

Something really scared me, when I saw it on the news.