stupid stupid moustache

Or maybe a… Canarddrum?

Wait, are you calling her a horse?

Shkreli is neck and neck with Trump in the "World's least self-aware person alive" contest

"It's a fact!"

Indiana Jones and the Dentures of Doom

"Jedi mind trick don'ta work on me!"

“I’ll tell you this right now—if his album’s not nominated in no categories, I’m not showing up to the Grammys.”

His movies all have a guaranteed turnout, and are probably low(er) budget productions than most.

"Pan Masala… It's Toasted."

How and when did Snoop accumulate the wellspring of goodwill that he's been surfing on for the last ten or so years? Did he save a busload of orphans from an orphan bus-related disaster?

It's possible that he doesn't actually listen to anything. There's no money in it

Is there any info floating around out there about Trump's musical taste?


More like the big TWO, AMIRIGHT?

Yes, and it just upvoted you!

"So, did you drive here?"

I remember that back in the 80's, Hostess sold fruit flavored potato chips for about 5 minutes. I'm assuming that someone was fired/killed/buried/earth-salted for that blunder

You sir, are history's greatest monster

Are Americans aware of Dill Pickle flavored chips?

"Horace Pinker," the bad guy from Wes Craven's-not-that-great "Shocker"