
"Love thy neighbour."

I'm surprised how few Scrubs haters have commented to date.

When did it become popular to pointlessly spell "creme" as though it were French (creme)?

It would be if I was pretending to describe the band. What I am describing is how they SEEM. For all I know, their music is awesome.

I find Soderbergh intelligent and fascinating, and for this interview you matched him, Scott. Great job.

I've never heard a Decemberists song, but I have to say that the phrases "A Singles Series" and "rock opera" make them sound obnoxiously pretentious.

The album covers suggest Two Men With The Blues is a misnomer. Perhaps it should have been called "Two Men Who Are Doin Just Fine".

Yes, but who will be the first to make it?


He gave Batman a lot of its flavour.

Wow, the top ten is almost completely composed of shit!

Great. Now I want brownies.

Dubrovsky: I'm an Abrams fan, but good lord that summary sounds horrible!

1. I used to drink a Coke a day in the late eighties. These days, it tastes too much like battery acid. I don't know if that's because they changed it or because my tolerance level has lowered in my old age. Either way, I still get an addict's thrill when I hold a cold can of it in my hands.

Maybe I need to see the trailer. I kind of have Terminator fatigue at this point.

Clepington - I'm a Cameron fan, but he was NEVER a good screenwriter.

Few agree with me, but I thought Snyder did an awesome job remaking Dawn of the Dead.

I'm with Scott Tobias on this one. I'm looking forward to pretty much all the same movies, with very cautious optimism. Same goes for Watchmen, The Road, and Up.

Oh, and you guys forgot to give props to the excellent new column "The New Cult Canon".

well that's just great
Thanks a lot, guys. You've succeeded in making me want to go re-read half a dozen of those articles.