
I thought Glory was an awesome movie.

Eclectic, you're ignoring the absurdity of using BRITISH accents to signify any character who normally wouldn't speak english.

Hoffman was actually the only good thing in that movie.

He's this guy who sells beauty products in da hood.

Ah, I thought I'd hear from you, "dictionary", and your inaccurate definition of "sentient"!


I couldn't help but notice you guys used the word "sapient" twice in this article. I looked it up, and I don't think it means what you think it means. I don't know about the bird in that Brendan Fraser movie, but very few people would characterize the plants in The Ruins as "having or showing great wisdom or

Richelieu, I think you need to go back and look at the comments. There are still one or two you haven't written typo-ridden responses to.
Sheesh, talk about someone with "I knew the dog BEFORE he came to school" syndrome. We get it, you have a bunch of inside info and rare media. We're ever-so-impressed.

Seconds on Swimming to Cambodia. I believe it was available for a while but is out of print now. I never get tired of that movie.

Scarlet, are you one of those people who didn't get the memo that he doesn't use zeroes instead of letters anymore?

It would be truer to say that Terrence Malick LICKED Spielberg's ass with that movie.

"Electric Popaloo" ftw

Her first two albums are spotty. Bachelor No2 is a classic. It's been diminishing returns ever since, but Lost in Space is good. That and Bachelor are the only two essentials.

I fucking hate the word "dingleberry", which desecrates one of my favourite words, "berry".

Is that the Oprah channel?

At the risk of being controversial, I think The Spaghetti Incident and both Use Your Illusion albums are awesome.

You're overlooking the fact that the people who invented the modern idea of Santa Claus have much less at stake than those who invented the concept of a Judeo-Christian god. Santa is meant to be a fantasy character, so not much effort went towards making him believable.

Cheap toy roundup article is back.

Where the fuck did the cheap toy roundup go? I was saving that one for today.

"Yeah, that was fun."