
A few mentioned it, but it warrants further mentioning. "Christmas at Ground Zero" is one of Weird Al Yankovic's best songs.

I don't object to religious folk enjoying their religious holiday. But when Linus says that, it's like he's trying to shove his God down my throat.

Bee man, no one should attack you for not liking Low. I love them, but I recognize that they are truly a "love em or hate em" type of band.

Gawd that movie is awful. Sinbad is hell.

I love dark and edgy, but Batman Returns was pointlessly, unpleasantly mean-spirited (Death to Smoochy reminds me of it for that reason). Michelle Pfeiffer is amazing in it, though.

A Charlie Brown Christmas
I don't think I deserve coal for not tearing up at Linus praising the Lord. Rather, that line makes atheists like me want to puke.

If by "gay" you mean "bad", please stop perpetrating this homophobic trend.

The winner for me was Touched By A Janitor.

God made me funky

I haven't started looking at the band names yet, but already I'm excited about the new asterisk feature!


THANK YOU! Friends was very well written and acted, but since it was ridiculously popular, elitists couldn't allow themselves to like it. My affection for it is completely guilt-free.

guilty pleasuer
I think I only have one: Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice. God help me, I dig his flow!

I find Brian Goodman incredibly sexy.

That movie from the directors of No Country For Old Men and The Big Lebowski? I really don't know. If only there was some way for us to find out…

Sorry, Karatloz, I have yet to transfer my film school 16mm films to dvd.

I started film school in 1994, so I had to deal with my share of Tarantino wanna-bes. I made fun of them with a documentary titled "How To Make A Cool Violence Flick", to prove that you could put all the signature Tarantino elements in your film, but without his talent you still end up with shit. I included a

Hey everyone! I've found him! The elusive Robert Denby! He's over here!

I have no opinion on this band, but I LOVE the cover art.

You cry when she touches your penis with her vagina?