
I laugh with my penis
That last joke is the funniest thing I've ever read in this column.

Finally, someone who doesn't overrate this movie. B+ is exactly right. The Wrestler is very well-executed, but yes, very predictible and cliche.

The key features are A.I. Artificial Intelligence? But I already have that dvd!

Surely you guys could've broken your own rules so as to include movies that obviously belong on the list (Love Guru, the Movie movies, etc.)…

p.s. Cause I'm sure y'all care.

These are the ones I've seen, in order from awesome to whatever:

I've long had a crush on Robert Prosky.

four fucking hours
I'm surprised to hear the forbiddingly lengthy Che is doing well.

Some of his ideas are interesting, but he's WAY overrated as a director. His movies are frenzied instead of fun, and he doesn't seem to understand human emotions.

The opening work scenes are the only good part of that movie.

I'd say that was the best one this season so far.

What, no comments yet from the bear fans? Okay, I'll start: I would like to have sexual relations with Damian Abraham.

I like me some 300-pound men, but I just looked up these bands, and I don't see anyone who looks over the 200 mark. Very disappointing.

Of course, this being 30 Rock, that means it's merely worth a B instead of an A.

Your opinion is, like, wrong!
This was easily the "worst" episode of the season. Hardly a laugh to be had. Predictible and pedestrian.

"straight-acting" IS sad. It's a reminder of less enlightened, more repressed times.

I actually enjoyed Superman III quite a bit when I first saw it.

I apologize, Jorge.

Jorge, if you watch the pilot you will likely be hooked for life. Yes, the second and third season are hit and miss, but it's all worth it.

What the fuck are you going on about?