
The problem with The Shining is that the humour is unintentional camp, and that it negates much of the horror.

The bashing of anything Friends-related (as deployed in the comments section here) amuses me, because the people who do it think it makes them cool and smart, when what they're really doing is following the rest of the sheep off the cliff.

What you call overproduced, I call thrillingly experimental.

I'm partial to Goldfinger myself, but my crush on Odd Job might have something to do with that…

My World is definitely filler. As are a few other songs. But I'm apparently one of the only people who believe that there was enough good stuff for two albums there.

1. Up is one of R.E.M.'s best albums. Reckoning is one of their weakest.

funniest line from that article
"Why are there always players in these videos wearing sunglasses? We see your number. We know who you are."

Interesting; a positive review that really doesn't make me want to see the film.

Barbara: Well, I did mostly like The Mist, until the god-awful Twilight Zone-level ironic ending. Darabont can do good work; he just usually ends up tripping himself up with pretension.

Lawnmower Man I guess I felt was simply ridiculous, not wonderfully so. The Mangler is laughable because of the concept - it rivals the sentient evil lamp in Amityville 4.

I'm looking forward to hearing about the fellow with the antlers.

best King novella:
Secret Window, Secret Garden

top ten short stories
1) Umney's Last Case
2) The Reach
3) Crouch End
4) Dolan's Cadillac
5) Children of the Corn
6) The End of the Whole Mess
7) Big Wheels: A Tale of the Laundry Game
8) The Doctor's Case
9) The Woman in the Room
10) Jerusalem's Lot

my top ten Stephen King novels
I apologize in advance for the multiple posts - The Man wouldn't let me put it all in one post…

The Moving Finger sucks ass.

What are you gonna do with all the Hulk dvds no one asked for?

Yeah, that's what the White Stripes represent for me too. I'd love to see them live.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot remains one of my all-time favourite albums. I'm tired of hearing people call its thrilling experimentation "fussy". It's possible to appreciate a straightforward approach without damning abstraction.

Sugar isn't dumb at all. Plus, she's one of the only likeable people on the show right now. But I want Randy to win. I love his cynicism.

I bet more people would be interested in a Survivor column than this…