
Post silly rapper names here!
P Diddy

Why, thank you.

OMG, The Wig sounds just like this movie idea some film school colleagues of mine came up with a decade ago. They were going to name it "Hell Toupee". I don't think they had anything beyond the title and concept, though…

Jorge, that sounds better than the actual movies.

I had a similar experience to Josh's the last year I went trick-or-treating. Puting together a disguise felt like too much work, but I wanted the candy. So the day of, I just cobbled together whatever odd clothing I could find. No one turned me away for candy, though. What kind of hyper-critical town are you from?!

It never should have existed.

"Real boogers probably don't taste any worse than these sickly lumps."

I enjoyed reading that.

my opinion differs from yours!
I thought this continued the first-episode jinx, actually. I smiled several times, but barely laughed. A B episode at best. I think the key problem was that not only was the memory loss "too sitcomy", but the entire episode was.

Between the haters and the defenders, I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. He seems to be both humble AND pretentious. I didn't know such a combo was possible.

Okay, you can stop repeating that, I think he knows by now.

Ever since I first saw this listed in one of the upcoming films to be covered by this feature, I figured it was some other movie named Rounders. The reason is, it's news to me that this film has a cult. The Last Seduction would've been a much more appropriate selection in that regard.

Hey, I never claimed to be going for depth! I just enjoy broadcasting my opinion.

I look forward to his announcement for his first performance as an actress.

Maybe I should've said, "I predict no one will care about this."

I predict no one will agree with this…

Without looking at the other comments, I'd like to apologize to Kevin Smith for the undeserved abuse no doubt contained therein.

20 seconds?
Man, they sure are frugal in dispensing new footage in that "preview".

Wow, Pharrell's arms are mad skinny.

Someone obviously has no use for modesty!