
Thanks for the advice, folks.

The thing that annoys me every time I hear about this is that Axl Rose is still calling his band Guns N Roses, when three-quarters of that band are gone.

Amusing things about the image for The Third Wheel:
-"From ONE of the producers of American Pie"
-There are four people on the cover of a movie called "The Third Wheel", just so they could squeeze the famous Ben Affleck in there.
-It's so obvious they pasted together images of each actor and made a weak effort to make

Your comment about the Miscasting Hall Of Fame made me think that would be a great subject for an inventory - most miscast roles ever.

I've only seen two of his movies - I loved Days of Heaven, and thought The Thin Red Line was a pretty and empty film (Badlands is on my to-rent list).

I just read the interview, which was awesome and very enjoyable. If I hadn't read this post, I never would have suspected that there was tension there.

You've just succeeded in making me want to check out "Graveyard Shift" and "I Will Dare".

unpopular U2 opinion
Your thoughts on U2 match the ones of many readers on this site, from what I've seen here over the years. But they go against most of my thinking.