
So the organization that's been blocking research into gun violence for 20 years claims they just care about the truth? Checks out.


You're one of those people with a dating profile that says you like any kind of music except County and Rap, aren't you?

They're both really good in it, so it shouldn't be a problem.

He can't handle a 10-episode-a-year TV show and he refers to himself the "hardest-working man in show business"?

One of the main characters on this show is black, and he gets plenty of writing. And another one is Indian.

Counterpoint: Yep

When you put it that way, Neill Blomkamp is pretty awesome!

If you think about it, tolerating Nazis is the biggest tolerance of all!

I feel the same way about Lil Yachty.

Yeah, they've put out a lot of good video stuff too. For one, they perfectly predicted this recent presidential election back in 2012: https://m.youtube.com/watch…

That's the point. Everyone in this world does want an answer. There just isn't one, and it's driving them crazy.

Not Six Feet Under though! I know you said "almost always", I just wanted to mention it.

Stupid sexy Kevin!

In a manner of speaking…

I was expecting Flat Earth Truthers to show up. I was not expecting Tila Tequila Truthers.

It's literally one of the most well-proven facts in existence. Are you going to ask us to prove that gravity is real next?

I hope you start sales calls that way, "Hello Sir, you don't know me but if you don't listen to my sales-pitch you're a weak minded, compassion-less bigot."

I thought Qwikster was a chocolate-milk piracy app.

And Big Little Lies!