Well, there's certainly nothing unintentionally revealing about Trump supporters just assuming that a fictional series about Nazis taking over American is about them…
Well, there's certainly nothing unintentionally revealing about Trump supporters just assuming that a fictional series about Nazis taking over American is about them…
You can see the URL change as you scroll down the page.
Seriously. If you're going to become Buzzfeed just do it already and stop stringing us along.
Oh no?
Maybe? It's definitely on rails, but it's not realistic or boring.
If there's one problem with the AV Club it's not enough stories about Trump!
That makes a lot more sense than your original argument.
"NASA, and every other governmental space organization, and private space industry, and airlines, and the telecommunications industry, and satellite infrastructure providers, and ham radio operators all all in on it!"
Can't a significant fraction of the worlds population just commit to a massive conspiracy for hundreds of years just for the hell of it?
He started out like Marlon Brando but he ended up like Marlon Brando.
Based on the trailer for this movie, Kevin Smith thinks they say "'boot".
No room for original content, there's old youtube videos to link to!
Kroll Show has maybe the only fresh Canada humour I've seen in… probably 20 years?
You think they'd at least name them Franklin Delano ______.
Also, maybe go to Canada for a week and learn literally anything about it first?
Yes, people remember that we actually had a president before Obama. This talking point that people are freaking out just because the president is a Republican is utter horseshit and it's not going to convince anyone who's been paying the slightest bit of attention.
- Everyone who has ever played Catan
It made me hear Dubstep in my head: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
He did that for a bit in Vicious.