
He learned that a rap can be about something other than "fucking your mother"? Good for him!

That would explain the part about chundering.

*Man makes glib, sweeping insult. Is shocked and offended when challenged*

But.. Shane Black!

It's funny that a guy that based his name on a rapper is annoyed by the existence of slang.

The Universal Soldier series suddenly got really good with the third and forth movies (or fifth and sixth, depending on how you're counting).

The end of Season 1 was probably the closest to a happy ending he was going to get.

Wow, that guy is terrible. Did he really just compare Mel Brooks, a Jewish comedy genius who actually served in World War 2 to a young douche-bag exploiting the holocaust for shock humor? The difference is context, god-dammit!

That's exactly why people are taking this seriously. The PewDiePie fanbase now includes actual Neo-Nazis, because he's normalizing their views with half-assed "ironic" humor like this.

Rest assured, if even one of them exists anywhere in the world this site will track him down so we can be outraged at him.

You're not supposed to cure wellness, ya dingus!

She was in Frou Frou, who had that one song in Garden State! Ok… I see it now.

Someone's not feeling 22 today.

People were saying the same thing about what would happen when Trump inevitably lost the election.

Philip K. Dick is a pretty good writer with density of great Sci-Fi ideas unmatched by pretty much anyone.

Bullshit! Gamergate started literally because of an indie-game maker being slandered by her ex-boyfriend and one woman making feminist critique videos about video games. There was clearly a deep well of misogyny just looking for an excuse express itself.

I have some concerns about this "Walt Disney" fellow as well.

I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me.

Well there's your problem. You're not supposed to cure wellness, ya dingus!