Still better than Mike Will Made It.
Still better than Mike Will Made It.
Yes Mr. Sherman, everything stinks.
It's basically more of the same. Pretty great.
I mean, everyone dies eventually. I don't see why that would ruin anything except the sideways universe bits (which do seem like nonsense to me).
Scrubs did it better:…
Personally I'd say Vaudeville Villain (As Viktor Vaughn).
I lost on Jeopardy, baby.
…why didn't we make it number 1 if it's worth singling out? Fuck you, that's why!
We didn't forget, we just don't agree with you.
Sadly since then Andrew W.K.'s aphasia has progressed to the point where he's only able to say the word "Party".
Not any more:
Well, I feel like I'm the only one (who saw it) that didn't like Dogtooth, but this looks interesting enough to give him one more chance.
I'm just going to watch Love Me If You Dare again.
This week SVU investigates the secret world… of Alex Mack.
They just renamed their beer "America". That seems pretty pretentious.
It works on iZombie, but yeah that's a very different kind of show.
Whelp, only in America. Looks like it's back to piracy for me.
Like that Tricky album cover: https://upload.wikimedia.or…
I'd start with this, and then go from there:…
You guys show check out the Beef and Dairy Network Podcast. It just got picked up by the Maximum Fun network so I figured I've give it a shot. They play it so straight that initially I was a bit unsure about how serious it actually was, but it's pretty hilarious. They've built up a really fun comedic universe already,…