Steve Zahn is boring? That's a weird claim. "Annoying", I could see.
Steve Zahn is boring? That's a weird claim. "Annoying", I could see.
A silly philosophical thought experiment that's basically just trying to trick you into not understanding how a computer works.
No thanks!
It's really only 6 minutes, it just feels like 20.
Oh, the litmus test for people who can truly recognize quality is agreeing with you on this particular TV show? That's super convenient for you, congratulations! To think, you almost had to engage with a world where your opinions weren't objective facts.
You might have a reasonable rebuttal to his comment here, if you weren't such a contentious asshole about it.
I swear there was a shot of her performing with all the chairs still put up on the tables. Confirming that she's just always there, even when the bar's not open.
They didn't shoot him because he looked like he was threatening a white guy, they were shooting the white guy stabbing him and hit him once accidentally.
To summarize the summary: Twitter is the worst.
Did you stop watching there? Because Futurama did get around to a lot of great world-spanning, sci-fi satire.
I mean, we're halfway there and the world certainly doesn't seem better for it.
123 Fake St.
Most of them do, in the last 20 minutes or so of the podcast. Although now they're doing Shadowrun.
You should probably see a doctor about that…
I definitely didn't expect to hear that old Fatboy Slim/Macy Gray song.
I think I'm stuck on the exact place in Boardwalk Empire. I like the show but I'm having a hard time getting around to finishing it. Now it's stuck in that weird middle-ground where I barely remember what happens in the first episodes of season 4 that I did watch, but it still feels too soon to re-watch them.
It's really the second half of the first season when it gets good, I think. You won't have to go much further.
We get it writers, you grew up in the 80s.
I'm not surprised about NBC. They used to have a bunch of great comedies on and no one would watch them!
I love Kanye West's music except for that mediocre rapper he always works with.