
Perhaps she was dictating?

Elizabeth Banks is 41!

You'd think it'd be done by now. That friends with benefits fad that happened a few years ago (including a completely unrelated movie and TV show both named Friends With Benefits) only lasted a year. Cougar Town started in 2009!

Look, just because Cougar Town worked doesn't mean that any dumb-sounding older woman comedy is going to. You got cocky, TV.

I am! I am glad!

It's more similar to Hey, I Think You Can Dance!

I like those odds!

Hell, a guy named Schrodinger wrote an article making fun of Heisenberg's ideas.

She was in the Jonny Lee Miller one not the RDJ one (or the new Ian McKellen one). We're overrun with Sherlock Holmeses, is what I'm saying.

But, like, in your head or you'll strain your voice-box.

And that she refers to the live taping of a sitcom as "the theater".

Reggie Watts more than made up for it though.

The idea that the CIA is using advanced Infrared Thermal Cameras to sneak into internet crackpots' houses to stack their shoes up on top of each other is hilarious.

What's wrong with outrageous porn?

Shea Whigham, Andre Royo are cop partners? Why didn't they just make that the movie?

Tatiana Maslany got nominated. That's literally the only part of this I care about.

Man, this movie sounds like it would have been great if they had let Edgar Wright make it.

Mayor Austin Chessani, fan of classic TV cops: “Let’s be careful out there.”

I am getting a bit sick of the obsession MRAs. Like the "MRA boycott" of Mad Max that the internet went crazy about, which as far as I can tell was just a single dumb blog post.