
Yeah, she's pretty awesome.  I never cared about Emily and Jack, but when she started crying outside the bar, I felt terrible for her.  Jack was the one thing she wanted, and after everything she's gone through, she can't be with him…I got a little choked up myself.

God I hope so…and I am a terrible person for saying this, but Amanda needs to fall down a flight of stairs ASAP

God I hope so…and I am a terrible person for saying this, but Amanda needs to fall down a flight of stairs ASAP

I would LOVE that more than anything…that is the kind of character Em's mom needs to be.  Let's hope they cast accordingly…

I would LOVE that more than anything…that is the kind of character Em's mom needs to be.  Let's hope they cast accordingly…

I loved that scene so much, mainly because that is exactly how I would react if my fiance made me sit down with a wedding planner, especially if the wedding planner was Ashley, because Ashley is the worst. 
Emily clearly does not want any part of a splashy, high society wedding, and Daniel respected her wishes until

"I'm done getting pushed around by all of you."
Fuck yeah Bonnie!!  FINALLY!  That made me so happy.

Logan was the best…I was so glad he got that moment, and I loved Veronica's reaction…she's SO gonna hit that.  Sorry Piz (not really)

that rocks

I feel the same way…watching the reruns on SOAPNET has reminded me how much I love this show, and how gutted I was when it got cancelled. 
I will never understand how Jason Dohring didn't get more work after this show; he is phenomenally good as Logan and should have been cast in something worthy long ago. 
I actually

It seemed to me like Daniel decided to side with Conrad because he was completely honest about all his evil deeds.  Having Emily listening in on their conversation was a great touch; she confirms what they talked about for us, so there's no mystery around what was said.  Daniel asks Victoria about why he got house

My frustrations with Bonnie as a character are that she is (on paper at least), a bad-ass witch with centuries of witchy power behind her.  She should be like Klaus, the alpha witch to his alpha vampire.  But, like several others have mentioned, she only does spells and wreaks havoc when someone else, usually a

I was kinda shocked when the judges picked Brielle to sing for her life, then I realized that they probably already knew they wanted to pick Erika, so why not give Brielle one more opportunity to act like an asshole on national TV? 

That was the only performance that I actually responded to, but I'm kind of a sucker for that song too.  I do think the kid is talented and I think he deserves to go on past some of the other guys (Gokey 2.0 I'm talking to you)

I was doing the same thing.  How awesome would it have been if one of the Salvatores had killed Bonnie and her mom…Elena would have been all sorts of pissed off and "why didn't you let me die instead"; she will never forgive Damon and Stefan, and who is there to lend her an awesome shoulder to cry on…ELIJAH!!
Only in

I would keep Alaric if he gets to hook up with Elena. 

Also, the spell that Esther cast was spookier and way more effective than anything Bonnie has done in three seasons.

I would trade Bonnie, Tyler, Matt and Alaric for all of the originals.  I'm already invested more in them, and their familial bond is fascinating to watch.

I really don't get what the point of this movie is.  I think the documentaries, along with Mara Leveritt's excellent book Devil's Knot, did a great job presenting the story of the WM3.  Turning the story into a feature film with Oscar-winning actors feels like too much.  How are they going to present a conclusion to

Bonnie is not interesting to me because it seems like she is just used as a plot device.  She is involved in all of these situations without any motivation or stakes on the character's part.  I think she would be better served if she had a purpose other than, someone needs a witch for a spell…let's call Bonnie!