
Mellie really is the best character and part of that is that sue is utilized perfectly. Decrease or increase her role and I'm not sure she'd have the same impact.

I completely agree. This was Scandal insanity in all the right ways. A B+ at the absolute lowest. But, an A or A- for me. I understand the reviewer's reservations or criticisms. But, I just don't agree. I don't need Scandal to grow or become more nuanced. It's all about over-the-top soap insanity and if

Dear God, my Dad drinks J&B like it's water (when he's drinking anyway). He likes higher quality stuff too, but if he had to choose only one he'd pick J&B in a minute.
I know I have no appeciation for brown liquor whatsoever. I was out with a whiskey/bourbon/scotch snob who treated me to a wide variety of shots and

"My brother-in-law and his wife"?
Is the wife your sister? I would think "my sister and her husband."

"In college a guy in my dorm had some porno that focused on anal."
I sort of love that as an opening sentence and plan to start using it to start conversations on any number of topics. I love that insted of writing "had some anal porn" you wrote "porno that focused on anal." For some reason that cracked me up.

I love black licorice, but compltely understand people who hate it. And, for me it's a standalone favor. I cannot stand anything that's flavored like licorice (except actual pieces of licorice).

You're assuming unpopularity where none exists. Plenty of people hate Cadbury Creme Eggs. So little protein for eggs. What animal are these from?

I miss Del Taco (which means "of the taco"). I've never lived anywhere where Del Taco was an established chain. But when I lived in Springfield, Illinois, I always used to go to St. Louis since it was the closest big city and there were two Del Tacos in the city which I'd often end up at drunk. One was right by

Definitely. I've always expected Netflix to eventually go to $9.99 and then $11.99 or something. Question is how high can it go before it makes sense to just get a cable TV package with On Demand?

I'm betting Netflix eventually gets bought and subsumed into Comcast or some other media giant. Eventually, it will just be part of an expanded "On Demand". The Comcast "channel" will still exist without cable for those with a Roku player or some other player, but of course you still need high speed internet

I forgot about Benny. That was sort of a groundbreaking depiction of a mentally challenged adult as a serious character. Yeah, I remember the episode revoloving around him banging his girlfriend.
Was Benny before or after Life Goes On and Corky?

There was a legal show on A&E (I think) for one season called 111 Centre Street which I remember being excellent. But, it was probably too serious and not wacky enough. It was canceled.

Why wouldn't they?

Alive II is just as good as Alive. Well, sides one and two (Disc 1) anyway.

I don't think they can stay together simply because they're "together" early in the show. They'll have to go through a permanent or temporary breakup with all the emotional baggage, arguments, realizations about themselves and the other person. At least that's what I'm thinking. It can't be that clean, can it?

"The romance suggests it’s a place where being gay doesn’t come with so much baggage. That’s what we’re seeing in Looking, not the city of Silicon Scrooges and rampant poverty but a land of opportunity for gay people. Richie notes the progress for those sailors: 'Imagine if they knew that one day they’d be able to get

Totally agree. You said it perfectly. More camp, less desire to be a serious drama. Don't get me wrong, the trappings, the first impression should still be faithfully "serious drama". But, the writers should understand that the "serious drama" is just a Potemkin Village fronting artful, sinister camp.

HOC has to end with Frank's downfall (doesn't it), which might make it a lot more resonant. Claire could go down with Frank or aid in Frank's downfall.

I thought this review was spot on. I had posted my feelings on Season 2 on a different television forum earlier today.

Augustin is the worst. He'd be fine as a recurring character once every 4 episodes. Someone we love to hate, but as a main character, no.