
Yeah, for warm weather, the best time to go is probably October.

Yes, SF undoubtedly looks like that. I mean, of course, there are less
scenic and rundown areas in the city, but much of the city is absolutely
gorgeous. Not just gorgeous but intriguing. And, there's so many
great vistas and points of view. Wonderful.

I totally agree. I've loved the CC skiing coverage that I've seen - sprints or longer events like the skiathalon (which I loved learing what that actually meant). Don't even get me started on biathalon which adds anothe relement of suspense with the shooting and time penalties if the competitior misses. These

Did we really need a black remake of "About Last Night …"? Ugh. It's like the they wanted to make sure all audiences could experience this crappy film.

Yeah, Mancuso has had a pretty poor World Cup season, so she wasn't expected to do much. Yet, she is known universally in the ski world as being a "big event" skier and she has the Olympic medals (4, including gold) and World Championships medals (5) to prove it - may times over.
This elevates her status among a lot

Yes. Beyonce, unlike, say Rihanna, can actually sing. And, she can sing very well. But, the production of her albums tends to obscure that, making it not as relevant as it could be. Beyonce could do an "Unplugged." Some other current pop starts, not so much.

She is in this day and age with the internet, social media, and a million different things to fixate on and so many people into their own niche thing. It's a different "massive" standard than it used to be.

She does look really good, especially in that picture, which you could slap and on any number of products.

It's de rigueur among black celebs. Don't get me wrong, many are genuinely religious/spiritual people who believe that they're success is by the grace of God ( in addition to their hard work). But, I think even for those who aren't really hardcore into religion, it's just said, because that's what's expected.

Is it just me, or is GD looking pretty hot? Nice rack. And, she seems have solved her "hair issues". (Weirdly, it was a subset of black women who took her to task for not having good enough hair at the Olympics).

It's been noted a million times, and not just in regards to Grease.

High production values are indeed best seen on bigger screens, but as long as there remains a strong element of story telling and the viewer is excited simply to see what happens next in that story, it's not that crazy they would be willing to watch it on a smaller screen.

I like TV, and there's a LOT of great stuff to watch (both currently airing and catch-up from stuff I've missed), but how on earth do some of you actually watch all of this?   Some stuff I just have to skip because there's literally not enough time in a day to commit to so many shows.

But, does it really matter?  I always find it amazing that people are bothered by these sort of things when it really doesn't matter to the overall story.   Would we rather see them digging multiple holes for a couple of hours before they find the money just so the whole endeavor would be more realistic?

Sales are so weird now, at least to me.    Records simply do not sell as much, or anywhere close to as much as previously.   45,000 copies will but her in the Top 5 of the Billboard 2000 next week.  In previous eras, she wouldn't even be in the Top 30.

The Betty Wright collaboration was fantastic

How is it used?

I honestly thought the Prince (Givin Em What They Love) and Badu (Q.U.E.E.N.) tracks were among the least compelling on the whole album.

I love Vacation as well.   I have no idea why this would make an impression on me as a kid, but i the video, during he bridge, Gina Schock is shown playing drums and she's just super, super intense, concentrating very hard.   I always thought this was weird because that drum sequence is really, incredibly basic.   I'm

I never understand why it's the ultimate sin to want to "make it".   Clearly, not everybody is chasing money and fame and polularity, but so what if some are?  It takes all types, no?