
Absolutely.   While Grave Dancers Union is a good album,  they were making great music before that.   As mentioned, they had great albums prior to GDU, including Hang Time, Made To Be Broken, and, at least for me, And the Horse They Rode In On.   Plus, the Clam Dip & Other Delights EP is great rocking fun. 

Does this movie actually have legs?    I know the show had its followers, but a big screen adaptation this far after the show has ended?   Do they really expect it to perform that well, such that the principal actors can hold out for a lot of money?

Also, Androgynous for great ballad-ish song.

And wasn't he the younger brother of Chris?

I'd support anyone from Everybody Hates Chris.  Love that show.

I really do.  I love Here Comes a Regular, but don't think it's as otherwordly and beyond reproach as people make it out to be.

I liked the Prepron character.   She was really good in this role.   Easy to write her out - she gets killed or transferred to a different prison (or escapes!!!).

And Grand Central and Champagne and Andre Cymone solo!

And The Suburbs!!!

I always loved "Buck Hill" from Hootenanny.  No lyrics except the occasional shouting of "Buck Hill!!"    Was this song named after the Minneapolis-area ski hill?

I realize that it's basically a Westerberg solo album, but any love for "All Shook Down"?   I pretty much love it front to back. Merry Go Round, Nobody, Happy Town, and When it Began are particular highlights for me.   Even better, the When it Began and Happy Town (especially Happy Town - so basic, so raw) and Someone

I think it looks really interesting and am very much looking forward to seeing it.   Whether it's executed well, I don't know.   But, I'll go see it to find out.

I'm biracial and, I kid you not, it seems to be this thing that people feel it is perfectly acceptable to tell me, when learning that I'm biracial, their "theory" that biracial people are either "incredibly beautiful, handsome, hot, stunning, etc. OR incredibly ugly, weird looking, unappealing, etc.    And, it's

So confusing that 4-wheelers didn't replace 3-wheelers in general sooner and that 3-wheelers were so popular.

This was HUGE when I was in middle school.  Always loved the song, and still do.   But, IMO, it hasn't held up as well as something like Bringin on the Heartbreak or Foolin

People stay away from theaters from all sorts of reasons.   But I don't understand people whose main reason is overall cost, not just the cost of the ticket.   They'll bitch about the ticket prices and the insane price of concessions and then conclude that it's not worth the $50 for two people.

I agree.   I also think a lot of is Jason Biggs hatred more than actual "Larry" hatred.

I generally agree, but I think the trend is here to stay.   Plus, even with traditionally released shows, a lot of people end up binging on DVDs.

Plus, will netflix shows be able to make money post-release via DVD sales?   Netflix's reason for existing is so that you don't have to own the DVDs.

But, eventually, the original programming will only lead to price increases (beyond what we might normally expect for an established service).