
The key is that they didn't give any sort of large, consequential role.  Plus, playing a cop helps, since a real-life cop wouldn't necessarily come across as being a covincing actor.

There's a large, vocal segment of the black community who are anti-TP, for the most part (though usually complimenting him on creating roles for black actors, regardless of how stupid the movies are).

Good points.   Yeah, he has a ton of detractors, but he also has a sizeable, loyal audience who obviously find value in his work, and couldn't care less about what the other side thinks.

Seriously, the Governor of Illinois can spend more time outside of Springfield than he does in Springfield.  Obviously, he's in Springfield when the General Assembly is in session and for various other reasons here and there, but he in no way has to move there full time.   Over 3/4 of the population lives in Chicago

Like I said before, his movies are ALWAYS a warning to "virtuous" women and a mandate for what they should be doing with their dating/marriage/sex lives.   Don't follow the rules and you WILL PERISH!!!

It's sounds like "Oh. My. God" camp fun, maybe.   TP movies seem like they should be made to enjoy ironically or for camp value, "so bad they're good" movies, but they often just end up being bad-bad.

Those are pretty amazing numbers.   I remember when 1 million, or even 2 million opening weeks were common.   Huge artists had huge sales.   A few still do now and then, but I've seen Hot 100 No. 1s selling only 35,000 the week it was No. 1.  That never used to happen.

I'd love to see him in a small venue.   Saw him at United Center in Chicago last year, and while the show was great, it wasn't exactly intimate.

Did he actually go to prison for his tax evasion?  If so, is he still in prison?

I love Fey on 30 Rock and SNL, but hardly at all in film.   I'll pass.  Not my type of movie anyway, regardless of Fey.

It's also weird because, overall, in the end, Nirvana wasn't that great.   Good band.  Iconic band - will always be the stamp of a generation, and will always be the focal point of music historians who blab endlessly about how music changed in the early 1990s.  But, was there music actually great.   Of course, plenty

Why "guilty" pleasure?   As an adult, I can't stand that phrase.   It's ridiculous that people can't take responsiblity for what they like - they have to disown it beforehand, throw in that caveat  before telling you what music or film or anything else they are consuming.   Why can't they just like something, find it

I never understood the Bush backlash.  Perfectly understandable to not think they're great, or really have any passion towards them.  Sure, they were formulaic rock.  But, I never found them THAT offensive.

I saw it this weekend.   It was simply a good, basic popcorn movie.   The type that could play on cable endlessly and you'd find yourself watching it again (like A Perfect Murder with Douglas, Paltrow, Mortensen).

Ugh.  No Smith children under any circumstances.   The rest, fine.

LOVED him as Warhol, but not a cameo, IMO.

Do people normally eat chicken and bits of waffles together with syrup, or at least eat the chicken with syrup?  Separately, chicken and waffles is great, and really no weirder than having waffles and some other greasy meat like sausage or bacon.

I love all of Tribe's albums, including the Love Movement.   Any takers?   A lot of Tribe fans seem to dismiss their last album.   Sure, not as good as the classics, but still pretty great, IMO.

I love that he had really, really thought about the answer and offers substantive, articulate reasons, whether we agree or not.

Damn right we had to work for it.   The sheer amount and variety of porn (everything from nude photos to hardcore of all varieties) available for free to kids with a touch of a button) is staggering.