
Like Stormtroopers in Star Wars, supposedly the most lethal army in the galaxy - yet they miss nearly all the time.

That's not as much as a problem on most of the The The material.   You can pick out Marr on most songs.

The review is spot on.   Marr is a legendary, visionary guitarist.   But, he's best colloborating with others, adding his stamp to that music, floating his ideas within the boundaries that are inherent in working with a group.   And, there's nothing wrong with that.   I love it when he pops up in this or that group.

I think Stewart gets the big picture - she chanced into a huge franchsise.  She knows she's not a brilliant actress by any stretch of the imagination.  She knows Twilight will at least keep her active for a few years in Hollywood, even if its not the greatest projects.  She'll get paid well.   Then, opportunities will

But, is Bale playing Krakauer?  Krakauer, even though sent to cover the expedition for Outside magazine, wasn't really the main character.   Rob Hall was the expedition leader, but he died, of course.   I would love to see them fully cast this to include all of the Adventure Consultants clients, guides and sherpas,

A great city no doubt, but maybe the Most Overrated City Ever, at least among people I talk to and hang out with.  I've been, several times.  Had a good time, thought it was a great smaller city.   But, hardly the otherworldy utopia some people make it out to be.

I think people simply love to criticize it.   They complaint as if it's something they don't want, but they are thoroughly entertained by the spectacle and by commenting on it. 

Kids today are so extremely porn-spoiled.   I thought I had hit the jackpot finding my Dad's Penthouse.   The things I went through just to intermitently get my hands on sexually titilating material would provoke laughter now.   The amount of free porn, and the nature of the porn - everything from basic nude photos to

I'd say Playboy is porn.   It's intent is to arouse with nudity.   That said, it's not hardcore porn by any means.  It's just nudes.  It's not, well ….. you can fill in the blanks with any number of things from the vast world of hardcore porn.  "Porn" has such a negative conotation that people don't want to use the

Both shows are very enjoyable, just in very different ways.   D.C. is what they have in common.   Beyond that, they shouldn't really be compared, IMO.

Completley agree.   And, some people will love that, and it will turn off others.  I don't think Scandal trys to position itself as the smartest show on television at all (someone upthread said something like that).   I think it actually knows what it is and positions itself as Melrose Place in DC with bigger

Scandal has really grown on me.    Yes, I know it's fairly trashy, and the story lines are exceedly far-fetched.   But, it does what it does very well, and I think the acting is great, and it's simply a good nighttime suspenseful soap opera.

Isn't Chrissie Hynde from Akron? 

Yeah, Clarkson was great.

Overall, I thought the show was very good, which surprised the heck out of me.   I enjoyed Timberlake's performance, even if I'll never buy the album.

U2 was great early on.    I remember them being nearly alt-rock in terms of who listened to them in high school.    Regardless, the early albums were really great.

Seriously?  $50 to $100 doesn't seem that crazy for an arena show.

I agree, it's sort of ridiculous, but I thought the "rule" was that "new" artist simply meant an artist who had never previously been nominated.  

Great skin, great makeup, or both?   He really does look great.   I need to know his secrets, which I'm sure I couldn't afford ( a top notch makeup artist), have the wherewithal to follow (like a super restricted diet), or simply am doomed to not have (great genetics).

Prince is such a DIVA, and I love it.