
He's like the Cure - started as the very definition of alternative, crossed over (and Gotye has crossed over nowhere near the level of the Cure), and became mainstream, but still alternative at the same time (is that possible).  Everyone knew the Cure, everyone could recognize Cure songs, but the dedicated

Yeah, I thought the Marley tribute came off nicely, even if it was totally unnecessary.   At least the voices were in tune.

She's had gigantic breasts forever, but that dress really highlighted them and actually made huge breasts not look really tacky.

I can do either, or a hybrid.   Sometimes the conditions are right for marathoning - you're way behind on some series, you have a solid block of time to work with that you don't always get in your busy life.   I did this for the first three seasons of 30 Rock and various sesons of Weeds - and it was great.  Generally,

I can do either, or a hybrid.   Sometimes the conditions are right for marathoning - you're way behind on some series, you have a solid block of time to work with that you don't always get in your busy life.   I did this for the first three seasons of 30 Rock and various sesons of Weeds - and it was great.  Generally,

I actually get a kick out of Muzak versions of well-known songs.   Stupid, but entertaining.   I love the ways they sand off the edges, remove the grit, and shine something that isn't necessarily supposed to be shiny. 

IMO, there doesn't need to be an official announcement, and I question whether people are really having issues with their ability not to "have closure" simply because a beloved band is on "indefinite hiatus."    People can figure it out, and I doubt there's a crushing sense of being in limbo just because a band hasn't

There's not a more overrated character in Star Wars fandom than Boba Fett.  Sure, he seemed super cool with his outfit and jet back when I was 10, but I don't understand why he became such a Star Wars icon.  The fleshing out of his backstory in the prequels didn't add anything.

Very true - a "handsome" woman.    But, I always appreciated that she had a really interesting look, and even a non-traditional beauty at one point.

Watched this for the first time.   It was okay, but I can't really form a substantive opinion without seeing more.

It's not "steep" at all if you really enjoy the music.   It will last forever, and in the end will end up being micro percentages of a penny for each listen.

University of South Central.

I love "Tusk".   So seemingly out of nowhere.   I assume it was the coke making their heads dizzy with half formed ideas - "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we had a marching band too." 

I love Loveless, but it's not for everyone.  Yet, the alt-music press has worked overtime to make it a "fact" that Loveless is a transcendant, otherwordly experience and, like, the Best Album of All Time.  It's certainly a name-drop-for-indie-cred album, or at least it was.  I wonder how many people who say they love

So, you're just like millions of other people.

I loved Kaliedscope Dream and I really didn't expect to, at all.   I was sure I wouldn't like the production, but it compeltely clicked for me.   This article is talking about the dissapointment that can result from overblown expectations.    Kaliediscope Dream was the exact opposite for me - the pure joy and

Great point about the R&B designation, a label that doesn't really fit, for the most part, to Channel Orange, yet, it's there, probably simply because Frank Ocean is a black guy.

Great point about the R&B designation, a label that doesn't really fit, for the most part, to Channel Orange, yet, it's there, probably simply because Frank Ocean is a black guy.

I LOVED Greenzo - David Schwimmer was incredible as "America's first non-judgmental, business-friendly environmental advocate." That he foils Jack's attempt to create a facade of caring about the environment by being an insufferable, know-it-all, arrogantly righteous mascot is comedy gold.

Or Memorex.