
Definitely getting the book tonight.  Only $6.99 for the Kindle edition.   In addition to this article, the book introduction that's available on Amazon is very interesting.   This guy writes well and articulates his stories and philosphies very well.

I think it's a great question.   We all know that it rock and all of its subgenres, there's defintely a substantive "I haven't  made it in the traditonal sense, but I'm a 'real' artist with integrity" meme that artists and fans latch on to.  So, artists who experience "failure" in the sense of low sales, low income,

Good stuff.   And, no I'm not that "D-Nice".   Though that would be cool since it would mean that I've had sex with Malinda Williams (though they're now divorced).

That would be a really interesting different "Money Matters" piece.  Here we're talking about somone (J-Zone) who could never quite get over the hump.  Put out some records, had a few decent paydays, had some interesting experiences, met some "big" stars, looked like things could go in the right direction, but he

He didn't make it completely clear, but didn't it seem like he had sunk even lower than the "can keep touring and selling a couple thousand records" level"?   He seemed to be describing a situation where basically no money at all was coming in and nothing was selling.   Funny thing is, with this little bit of

He says: "That made me a little hesitant about the book. I haven't made it. My Wikipedia page is gone. Nobody knows who the hell I am. Times have changed. Do I even have a right to put out a book? Maybe I should just save myself the embarrassment. Nobody wants to hear from somebody who didn't make it. Why would

or drink Fosters

The premise is disgusting.

The first Dogg Pound album was awesome, "Let's Play House"  particularly.

No, he probably would not have cared as much, but I'm betting he may still have made some sort of "I'm not entirely on board with this" comment if the film received the same sort of publicity and the writer/director was receiving the same amount of praise.

If it were, they'd probably still be together.    Seems like everyone was "difficult".   Sting's just more pompous.

If it were, they'd probably still be together.    Seems like everyone was "difficult".   Sting's just more pompous.

I used to be really into the police, and although I never developed fully as a drummer ( I don't play as an adult), I played drums in my youth (high school band, etc.), so I've always followed drumming in a variety of music genres.

I used to be really into the police, and although I never developed fully as a drummer ( I don't play as an adult), I played drums in my youth (high school band, etc.), so I've always followed drumming in a variety of music genres.

Why is it arrogant if it's true.   People's defense of perceived slights of the Beatles is astounding, since the Beatles are, you know, one of the most popular, beloved, critically acclaimed bands of all times.   But, that's not enough for some fans.   Everyone must think that everything the Beatles did is better than

Why is it arrogant if it's true.   People's defense of perceived slights of the Beatles is astounding, since the Beatles are, you know, one of the most popular, beloved, critically acclaimed bands of all times.   But, that's not enough for some fans.   Everyone must think that everything the Beatles did is better than

This makes me sad.   Loved LA Complex.  Great nighttime soap.   So over-the-top, but that's what I loved about it. 

This makes me sad.   Loved LA Complex.  Great nighttime soap.   So over-the-top, but that's what I loved about it. 

While I found it watchable, I just cannot understand the alleged awesomeness of Cabin in the Woods.  I chalked it up to Whedon loyalists who actively don't want to not find fault with any of his work.   I mean, it's "good" but "awesome?"  But, I know plenty of people on both sides of the fence, so I guess it just

While I found it watchable, I just cannot understand the alleged awesomeness of Cabin in the Woods.  I chalked it up to Whedon loyalists who actively don't want to not find fault with any of his work.   I mean, it's "good" but "awesome?"  But, I know plenty of people on both sides of the fence, so I guess it just