
After assisting my parents with helping my grandparents at the end of life, I don't know if I could handle watching this, though I'm curious.    Like others, I've seen firsthand that the aging/dying process often isn't the inert "slow fade" into shuffleboard that it's sometimes made out to be.  It really is often

After assisting my parents with helping my grandparents at the end of life, I don't know if I could handle watching this, though I'm curious.    Like others, I've seen firsthand that the aging/dying process often isn't the inert "slow fade" into shuffleboard that it's sometimes made out to be.  It really is often

I'm traveling from Illinois to see my sister in San Jose (SJ?, The Hose?) for the holidays, and want desperately to spend some time in The City.  Problem is, I only have 5 days and my parents will be in CA as well, and I really have no desire, outside of maybe one nice meal, to have my parents tagging along while I'm

I'm traveling from Illinois to see my sister in San Jose (SJ?, The Hose?) for the holidays, and want desperately to spend some time in The City.  Problem is, I only have 5 days and my parents will be in CA as well, and I really have no desire, outside of maybe one nice meal, to have my parents tagging along while I'm

So there's no suitable shorthand for San Francisco?

So there's no suitable shorthand for San Francisco?

"manimals" will suffice. 

"manimals" will suffice. 

LOL.   Love it!!   What would the movie be called?

LOL.   Love it!!   What would the movie be called?

I said this in an earlier post.   It's not even about a broad definitionof "rock and roll."  Simply "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" is just the name.  It's clearly not restricted to rock, depsite the name.   I would assume most people could figure this out by looking at years of nominees which has included many non-rock

I said this in an earlier post.   It's not even about a broad definitionof "rock and roll."  Simply "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" is just the name.  It's clearly not restricted to rock, depsite the name.   I would assume most people could figure this out by looking at years of nominees which has included many non-rock

Surely, you realize by now that "Rock and Roll" means something akin to "popular music in various genres" not simply rock and roll.  I know, "then why have that name?" ("Popular Music in Various Genres, But Not All Genres Hall of Fame" isn't quite as catchy).  But, it's been this way for a long time, and we've seen

Surely, you realize by now that "Rock and Roll" means something akin to "popular music in various genres" not simply rock and roll.  I know, "then why have that name?" ("Popular Music in Various Genres, But Not All Genres Hall of Fame" isn't quite as catchy).  But, it's been this way for a long time, and we've seen

It's good, but it's not THAT groundbreaking, even for R&B.   It might seem that way considering how mainstream R&B can be very predictable, but in a larger context, no.  So, sure, "groundbreaking" within a very narrow context and time period.

It's good, but it's not THAT groundbreaking, even for R&B.   It might seem that way considering how mainstream R&B can be very predictable, but in a larger context, no.  So, sure, "groundbreaking" within a very narrow context and time period.

I thought Celebration Rock was great for about 4 weeks.  Loved the immedicay, the simplicity, even the brevity.  A fun, straight-forward rock record.   But, I literally can't listen to it anymore.  I tired of it very quickly, even though there's nothing objectively wrong with it.  I start to play it sometimes,

I thought Celebration Rock was great for about 4 weeks.  Loved the immedicay, the simplicity, even the brevity.  A fun, straight-forward rock record.   But, I literally can't listen to it anymore.  I tired of it very quickly, even though there's nothing objectively wrong with it.  I start to play it sometimes,

I turned 40 this year (that's old on AC Club, right?).   It hasn't happened to me yet.  But, I'm a music opitmist, an afficianado.    While taking a few digs at albums/artists I think suck (or the overall music landscape) certainly is fun from time to time, I'd much rather talk enhusiastically about the good music I'm

I turned 40 this year (that's old on AC Club, right?).   It hasn't happened to me yet.  But, I'm a music opitmist, an afficianado.    While taking a few digs at albums/artists I think suck (or the overall music landscape) certainly is fun from time to time, I'd much rather talk enhusiastically about the good music I'm