
I didn't know who Bourdain was until No Reservations (I'm not much of a foodie, and really had never watched any sort of food TV).   And, I only started to watch No Resevations deep into its run (maybe starting with the 6th Season and then catching old episodes in syndication).

I didn't know who Bourdain was until No Reservations (I'm not much of a foodie, and really had never watched any sort of food TV).   And, I only started to watch No Resevations deep into its run (maybe starting with the 6th Season and then catching old episodes in syndication).

My cable bill continues to go up and up.   I think I pay $154 now for cable and internet, no premium channels.   This is ridiculous when I see Comcast Triple play deals for $99.

My cable bill continues to go up and up.   I think I pay $154 now for cable and internet, no premium channels.   This is ridiculous when I see Comcast Triple play deals for $99.

I use my parents' HBO GO account as well.   May parents seem committed to letting Charter rip them off, as they never really analyze their cable/internet package and never call and try to get a better rate, despite my encouragement. They have a fairly huge cable bill every month, so at the very least, my sister and I

I use my parents' HBO GO account as well.   May parents seem committed to letting Charter rip them off, as they never really analyze their cable/internet package and never call and try to get a better rate, despite my encouragement. They have a fairly huge cable bill every month, so at the very least, my sister and I

It's his Oscar-deserving role.   I mean, I'm glad he won an Oscar, but his performance in "Training Day" didn't warrant one.   Does the Academy really award "career" Oscars —awarding a non-Oscarworthy role to make up for past oversight for an actor who is generally respected and has been around for a long time?

It's his Oscar-deserving role.   I mean, I'm glad he won an Oscar, but his performance in "Training Day" didn't warrant one.   Does the Academy really award "career" Oscars —awarding a non-Oscarworthy role to make up for past oversight for an actor who is generally respected and has been around for a long time?

Yeah, "brave" is one of those words that has lost meaning in popular usage.   It's often just used broadly to mean a person lived through a difficult experience.  I've seen it applied in all sorts of mundane circumstances like people trapped in an elevator for 15 minutes.

Your review made me laugh.   Though I might still see it.   I'm sort of curious of how they portray "nothing" and how it all plays out.    I like GGB, and I sort of like being disappointed by movies in additon to being entertained.  So, it's win-win.

Your review made me laugh.   Though I might still see it.   I'm sort of curious of how they portray "nothing" and how it all plays out.    I like GGB, and I sort of like being disappointed by movies in additon to being entertained.  So, it's win-win.

Totally agree.    It's fun to watch it all fall apart slowly (of fall apart and then resolidfy) with no distractions.   Basically they can't get away from the shit by watching TV, distracting themselves with their phone/iPad, saying they're "too busy," or simply not answering calls or texts.

Totally agree.    It's fun to watch it all fall apart slowly (of fall apart and then resolidfy) with no distractions.   Basically they can't get away from the shit by watching TV, distracting themselves with their phone/iPad, saying they're "too busy," or simply not answering calls or texts.

I thought I knew him from somewhere.   I always liked that commercial.   "Hey, we're guys of different races, different nationalities, but looking good is universal!"

I thought I knew him from somewhere.   I always liked that commercial.   "Hey, we're guys of different races, different nationalities, but looking good is universal!"

I hear people complain about Sandra and Denise's lightness all the time.   Black people certainly can have children with a range of complexions, even if both are brown like Cliff and Claire. The range"normally" wouldn't be that great, but still entirely possible.  To have children that light, Cliff wouldn't

I hear people complain about Sandra and Denise's lightness all the time.   Black people certainly can have children with a range of complexions, even if both are brown like Cliff and Claire. The range"normally" wouldn't be that great, but still entirely possible.  To have children that light, Cliff wouldn't

I understand how that situation is pretty much unrealistic, but does fail to see how people get so bent out of shape.   It's like how the show Friends (or any other show set in NYC) and the unrealistically huge apartments annoy people because it's not realtistic.   These are sitcoms.   If The Cosby Show was a

I understand how that situation is pretty much unrealistic, but does fail to see how people get so bent out of shape.   It's like how the show Friends (or any other show set in NYC) and the unrealistically huge apartments annoy people because it's not realtistic.   These are sitcoms.   If The Cosby Show was a

I think that's part of the problem that some black people had with the Cosby Show - that they didn't seem "other" (thus pandering to whites' comfort) and therefore didn't reflect what was "really" happening in Black America.