
Everyone gushes over "Alive" but "Alive II" is better, at least the first disc.   

Gwyneth definitely deserves criticism for being smug and insufferable, but she's a pretty decent actress.  I actually think she'd be cool to hang out with in real life, assuming of course she'd ever think you were worthy to hang out with her.

Gwyneth definitely deserves criticism for being smug and insufferable, but she's a pretty decent actress.  I actually think she'd be cool to hang out with in real life, assuming of course she'd ever think you were worthy to hang out with her.

Maybe not generally, but she was fucking fantastic in The Last Seduction.

Maybe not generally, but she was fucking fantastic in The Last Seduction.

I think Cruise is a good to ocassionally great actor pretty much across the board.   I get why he's loathed as a person, but people who dislike him for Scientology, being a supposed closet case, general weirdness, etc, seem to always apply their general dislike to his acting and say he's a bad actor.   IMO, he's not

I think Cruise is a good to ocassionally great actor pretty much across the board.   I get why he's loathed as a person, but people who dislike him for Scientology, being a supposed closet case, general weirdness, etc, seem to always apply their general dislike to his acting and say he's a bad actor.   IMO, he's not

Disliked (though didn't hate) American Beauty.  Loved Six Feet Under.

Disliked (though didn't hate) American Beauty.  Loved Six Feet Under.

That's sort of a bizarre thing to say.   Classifying movies by decades as if movie trends, themes, production values and techniques, etc. change exactly when the calendar flips to a new decade is misguided at best. 

That's sort of a bizarre thing to say.   Classifying movies by decades as if movie trends, themes, production values and techniques, etc. change exactly when the calendar flips to a new decade is misguided at best. 

Agree on the Last Seduction (thank you Tasha Robinson!).   I had mentioned it at the end of the very long discussion of the AV's Top 10 article yesterday.

Agree on the Last Seduction (thank you Tasha Robinson!).   I had mentioned it at the end of the very long discussion of the AV's Top 10 article yesterday.

"Eats" as in devours and swallows, or "eats" as in …. you know.

"Eats" as in devours and swallows, or "eats" as in …. you know.

Did anyone else think Audition was wildly overrated and not ever scary, just gross?  I had seen it mentioned on so many lists of all-time great horror flicks that I had to give it a go.  Disappointing to say the least.   I guess I can respect the the plotting, the slow pacing, the real buildup to the reveal that the

Did anyone else think Audition was wildly overrated and not ever scary, just gross?  I had seen it mentioned on so many lists of all-time great horror flicks that I had to give it a go.  Disappointing to say the least.   I guess I can respect the the plotting, the slow pacing, the real buildup to the reveal that the

I agree, SOTL should be on the list, and really it should be Top 20.   Like Shawshank, it may be another case of overexposure.  For a a long while, it was on cable ALL the time.  But, that's no real excuse.

I agree, SOTL should be on the list, and really it should be Top 20.   Like Shawshank, it may be another case of overexposure.  For a a long while, it was on cable ALL the time.  But, that's no real excuse.

I really wanted to see The Last Seduction on the list.   Not that high, but certainly somewhere in the 35-50 range.  I marvel at Fiorentino's performance, the all-out cuntiness and disregard for anyone but herself, everytime I see it.