
I really wanted to see The Last Seduction on the list.   Not that high, but certainly somewhere in the 35-50 range.  I marvel at Fiorentino's performance, the all-out cuntiness and disregard for anyone but herself, everytime I see it.

I would have gave it a "C".  Looked sort of intriguing from the trailer, but was pretty formulaic and boring.  Good performances by the main cast, though.

Even though I usually root against her, I really want Wendy-Scott Carr to come back (great character, so icy).   If she's really after Peter, as she said to Will when she initially confronted him at the gym, then I'd love to see her back in Season 4 when Peter runs for higher office, throwing a big wrench in the

Great episode, though I thought they'd play the Will getting indicted arc over a longer period.  Love seeing WSC and the always annoying Dana get their asses handed to them.

LOTS of lobbyists and campaign people are lawyers, or were lawyers and still tehnically remain "active" by continuing to pay bar associaion dues but not actually practicing law.

If you watch Star Wars, Empire, and RoJ closely (as I'm sure we all have a million times), it's amazing to see how totally inept of an "army" the Stormtroopers actually are.

I love how all the fake movie names reflect that the writers took about 5 seconds to think them up, yet they're fairly accurate as to the lameness of a lot of actual movie titles.