
You hurt my feelings by not including my peanut allergy. It is really the MOST important issue and I demand more discussions about it. My plan to make the Mississippi River the borderline for a peanut free zone is not crazy. Just typing the word #eanut has just triggered my allergy. Are you happy now?

Oh my god — they killed reality. You bastards!

Reagan thought "Born in the USA" was a song about patriotism. That always makes me think about all those straight white people dancing to YMCA at weddings.

So, Grandpa, all those people wanted to permanently disfigure their bodies with all those ugly tattoos?

Right. If you remove the Reality character, the whole point of the episode vanishes.

Precisely. That is an excellent summary of one of this season's major themes.

He definitely gave nothing to my campaign raising money to give gastric bypass surgery to overweight bacteria.

Don't lie to the man.

(starving kid eats I-Pad)

because they are mindless sheep?

I'd say it's more a matter of saying that both sides (of most any debate) are full of idiots and more often than not the debate itself is idiotic and inconsequential when seen from the perspective of someone who doesn't have enough to eat.

If you are in any way participating in sites like Facebook, you are encouraging narcissism. Opt out of all that BS —- it's the only way forward!

The risk of holding up a mirror to society (which is what good satire does) is that everybody may potentially see their own ugliness. Sadly though, the people who would benefit most from this are the ones who are most likely to miss the point entirely.

I'd say it's more about making sure that "the people" are fighting among themselves and tilting at windmills over nonsense while they are being turned into slaves. Weapons of mass DISTRACTION.

Like a circle in a circle — like a wheel within a wheel….

You need look no further than the outrageously ironic fact that the gatekeeper of the anti-bullying (shaming) campaign, PC Principal, is currently the biggest BULLY on the show.

Bravo! BOTH Randy and the cashier were being self-centered, self-righteous d*bags. SP has a way of saying "A pox on both your houses!" It's a shame that people only hear the message they want to hear (even without Safe Space facilitators.

"South Park" is always "targeting" the mindless herd mentality that gives birth to all popular trends regardless of which side of the (imaginary) liberal/conservative paradigm they fall onto. You are really not seeing the forest for the trees here. The great lie that there are two parties in the U.S. (there are just

It was very Sondheimesque!

Even more, I love the dig at a society of sheep who let Whole Foods and other companies of its ilk be so popular