
Well, Gore Vidal named the U.S. "The United States of Amnesia". Americans have always had the tendency to live in denial, but it's gotten downright pathological in the past 14 years! I really think we are seeing Pulitzer prize winning levels of social satire in this season's "South Park".

I think this season will be the best so far to binge-watch. Maintaining the storyline was a genius decision. Breathing new life into a series almost twenty years in is quite an accomplishment. "Simpsons" did[n't do] it!"

Also — Brenneman seems to have one main facial expression: "Lips parted, and bewildered".

I think they should retitle this show: "Assorted Red Herrings".

Obviously, she is being set-up as the anti-Countess. Just like in Coven. One black; one white —- How Original!

I'm leaning more to Lowe being the killer right now.

Exactly. And having no stakes eliminates all potential for actual tension!

I'm not going to stop saying this: Ryan Murphy — having several male characters who look almost identical is bad casting. Must we all suffer for your "type" obsession?

Sally IS an ashtray.

You are forgetting about "Precious".

Best episode so far this year! I think the true message of this season is that PC thugs (like PC Principal) are just bullies. I hope we live to see Mackie cut him down to size by season's end.

Am I the only only one who despises Laurie? She is the most narcissistic and repugnant character I can recall, and certainly the worst mother of all time. The fact that she is now acting like a crackhead has just doubled-down on her repulsiveness.

Rudolph Valentino perhaps?

I think Pizzolatto's best strategy for Season 3 would be to fire himself and hire Vince Gilligan!

Venezuela: the only place more of an armpit than Vinci! Somebody needs a new travel agent.

Season 2: "NEVERMIND" sums up my feelings completely. I hate-watched the whole thing so I have no one to blame but myself. I'm only surprised that there's not more hate for the show here at AVC.

Is somebody getting paid off to give these high ratings? This episode (like all this season) was an incoherent, boring mess. I need a list of names as long as the London telephone book to keep track of the thousands of ancillary characters! BOOOOO!

Is it just me or does Mrs. Frank always look like she is either going to or coming from a porn shoot?

I thought this was a real stinker. Like almost every other "horror" film made these days the entire raison d'etre seems to be the setting up for a sequel.

Best line (for 1970s Mad Men): "Don't you want to work on coke?"