
especially if the "relationship problems" stemmed from your personal life being filmed in the first place.


Jane breaks the rules of documentary film making by getting involved and influencing outcomes. Or maybe she was 100% certain that the marriage was already toast? Mark's opening remarks indicated (to me) that he had already decided to end the marriage.

I think it's time for AHS to call it a day.

I think you mean "newsboy" not "pageboy".

Was there really time left in the season for this complete detour? I hate to be the contrarian but this has been my least favorite season of AHS and I did not like this episode at all as I did not feel it fit in with the tone of the others.

What a shame. This series started out so wonderfully; the first few episodes were exquisite. By "The Wedge" it's just become a sloppy mess.

I also love the fact that this is the same actress who was on the equally brilliant "Enlightened". These are the two best woman-based shows on TV in a generation and both highly underrated. The irony is head-splitting.

I love it that Jane is helping Valerie make the dinner knowing how high the stakes are for her marriage. Laura Silverman accomplishes one of the most fully fleshed-out characters on the show even with minimal dialogue, She can do more with a look than almost anyone.
This was the most heartbreaking episode since the

"Valerie is getting a lot better with names! I don’t believe she messed up anyone’s this week."
Then you missed that she still can't ever get Shana's name right; she messed it up multiple times even seconds after Shana had said her own name correctly.

That's a pretty scary title. Maybe she gets what she thinks she wants: "success" in her career, but at what price? Maybe the loss of everything in her "real life"?

"They drummed you right outta Hollywood; so you come crawling' back to broad-WAY. Well broad-WAY doesn't go for booooze and dope!"

Valerie's call in the dailies was a great callback to her drunk-dialing "Fatty had a party" call in the brilliant Palm Springs episode from season 1. Speaking of which: who can forget the killer last line line of that ep:

I agree with everything you said except that Mickey's Moment of the Week was his withering glare at Paulie G. when he told Val that SHE was the monster. He really nailed that moment without underlining a single note!


No, it's a show about how someone will freely sell their should for fame (or fortune, or power, etc.) I don't know how anyone could miss that. It's what makes Valerie such a classically tragic figure.

I couldn't disagree more! Those brief takes from the dailies were spine-tingling and my reaction was the same as Mickey's. I thought last week was kind of a mess but now the plot is finally starting to gel. IMHO this is the best episode of the season by a long-shot. I'm seeing an Emmy for Kudrow this year —- BRAVO!

You've already been turned into a hologram so "you" are obsolete.

Geez — why didn't they just tell Lorde to lip-synch?

So if you're over 3 or 4 years-old just euthanize yourself! That was my takeaway.