
I view the "glued to the phones" thing as infants with pacifiers —- or maybe just (wireless) umbilical cords. "Idiocracy" is every day more of a reality.

The point is that the bar for "not being old" is progressively approaching zygote. Mark my words, "diaper fashion" can't be too far off.

Not to be that jerk but —- Greetings from Argentina —- more southern than Australia — Chile is as well.

Mr. Garrison" "I don't —- I don't even understand what's happening."

That's my favorite line of the season!

Thanks for referencing that scene which for me was the most poignant of the series.

Lucky you! You can watch it all in one great binge session. I'm jealous.

Astonishing that after almost an entire decade, the entire cast (with the exception of Barber) looks almost identical. Bravo to HBO for bringing back this show. No other project, before or since, has shown such an unflinching look at "real" Hollywood.

What we need is another season of "Enlightened".

Don't ever underestimate the toll that the loss of "Grey Matter" took on him (he checked the value of the company every week). That was such a crucial element of the plot and I was so happy that it came full circle by the end.

Best episode in a long, long time!

I generally stop reading after the word "Lifetime".

Even lovelier when spelled correctly: PLANCHETTE

I'll take "D. Raper" for $500 Alex.

The return of the anal-retentive chef. That cutting board could use a lick and a promise!

I can't believe no one has commented on the Garden of Eden line.

Having sat through the entirety of the colossally awful "Rose Red" this weekend, I've had enough King for the next decade or two.

I don't find her offensive; she just seems like a 14 year old boy and a one-trick pony.

"over DRESDEN?"

Damn — we came so close to be rid of both Lou and Cutler! Somebody has to say it: Harry Hamlin's line readings are like a teenager from the drama club (sheesh!)