
It's full of stars…

Makes me think of the TV screen in "Idiocracy".

and the shot of Caroline eating the apple.

Just you wait and see —- Bert is playing chess —- just like always.


Didn't clock him but he definitely got a big whiff of the Smirnoff which may come back to haunt Don.

They always go upstairs no matter how many times I shout "don't go upstairs!"

It ends with the traditional chewing gum on the pubis ceremony.

No TV and no vodka make Don something something.

But they were "the monolith".

That would be:
Bob Benson Band Boffo at Bowery Ballroom Bash

You men Blutto?

Yes, but Meagan has come to realize that is she wants to make in in Hollywood she'll have to do so by way of the casting couch.

He's Don as a child if Don had had different parents (just as much as Sally is another parallel universe Don). Betty see the "Don" in him (and Sally as well) so clearly and punishes her children for the sins of their father.


Those of us who had a "Betty" as a mother heartily agree with you.

I think you missed a lot.

"Honestly, Henry, I don't know how you can stand living in that man's dirt.”

Who cares?!

I'm on board for anything that leads to Lou's comeuppance and downfall.