
She's the original "Mean Girl".

Did I hear badly or did Francine call her "Betty Draper"?

Teddy told me that in Greek, "nostalgia" literally means "the pain from an old wound."

You can't forget something you never knew. Betty is a self-centered child and always has been. Still, it was one of the most devastating scenes of the episode. Poor Bobby; this is going to come up a lot in his subsequent, future therapy.

Whoa B Betty Bam bam ba lam!

Human Sexual Response! Cheers and kisses to Musty Chiffon!

It was a Reddi-Whip sandwich, with a slice of shame in the middle

Silicon? Don't grab the wrong udder —- Honka Honka!

Hamm is, in fact, so great that he makes it all look effortless; and so the lack of recognition for how talented he truly is. The hacks who give out the awards should be ashamed.

Leave Dawn Wells out of this!

Lois mutters to herself (somewhere on a barstool).

The young actor playing Bobby is simply brilliant (and heartbreaking) and his storyline deserved more coverage here, I think.

Dawn, to Shirley: “Hello, Dawn.” Shirley, to Dawn: “Hello, Shirley.”

Yes, but that "I should go" at the pay phone was pure Don.

This episode made me think of this:

In the 50s, 60's and 70's there was a widespread belief that alcoholics could just give up the hard stuff; they were alright drinking wine or beer. We now know better but they didn't back then.
There was also a tradition of alcoholics keeping an unopened bottle in the house.
Notice that he and Freddy were drinking

He took the champagne but did we see him drink it?

Joan can stand in two different time zones at the same time.

As in Mrs. Cosgrove's fancy new vagina?

Fair enough, but the guy was raised by two narcissistic monsters It's no surprise he turned out the way he did.