

Of course the alternative may be that the real murders hit too close to home and it marks a turning point for all concerned.

You claim you still care for me
But your heart and soul needs to be free
Now that you've got your freedom
You wanna still hold on to me
You don't want me for yourself
So let me find somebody else, hey

I'm curious about the clip from the Joey Bishop Show that Don was watching. If we assume it was Friday, January 17th, 1969, the female guests were Zsa Zsa Gabor and Ann Landers. Is it possible that the woman Joey is talking too is Aliza Kashi (who appeared on the show earlier that week)? That woman was definitely

Poochie died on his way back to his home planet.

He is definitely taking some kind of cure with Freddy as his guide.

This was all Duck's idea.

She's all dressed up like the virgins just before they get thrown in the volcano. She's not long for this world.

You don't really love me —- you just keep me hangin' on….
And there ain't nuthin' I can do about it.
Pretty much sums up almost every relationship on the show.

Just to add more fuel to the Helter Sketler fire (since MM is telegraphing all over the place) if Megan got pregnant during the "celebration" come August she will be about eight months along just like ST.

Ken Tap Dancing Cosgrove

He's the captain now.

"Surprise — there's an earring here to see you!"

I wonder if that plant she gave Don is still alive.

Dickhead Ken: sold separately.

Just taste it!

This movie is like eating chocolate.

"Death Becomes Her"

GOT to do it. HAVE to do it.
You hold your water young lady!

"Well, you made a long journey from Milan to Minsk, Rochelle, Rochelle. You never stopped hoping; now you're in the Pinsk, Rochelle, Rochelle. When the naysayers nay you picked up your pace. You said nothing's going to stop me so get out of my face. I'm having adventures all over the place, Rochelle, ROCHELLE!"