
But you gotta give it up for that opening shot in the car which may have been the most nightmarishly terrifying scene ever in the series!

And not a single spotting of La Joan!  :-(

I love the use of the name "Draper" as in someone who covers up or dresses up things to look better than they really are.

Whenever I walk by there (or the Time Life Bldg) I hum the lalalalala song.

It's chocolate MOUSE!

She reminded me of crazy Sophia from "The Color Purple".

Thank you for correctly pointing out that it was OATMEAL and not soup!  OK — that feels better now.

The whorehouse scenes just make me think over-the-top Bob Fosse.

These Dr. Feelgoods were all over Manhattan in this time period:  They were injecting speed!  For anyone who has ever done heavy  drugs, the episode was really captured something and was quite disturbing.

I fell in love with her when she did the easily surprised water shpritzing interviewer also with Mary Gross.

Sterling Cutlery D. Raper Cooper & Ciao

But seriously, I can't decide between "Osaka Fish Concern" and "Pizza Howse!"

Ward, weren't you a little hard on the Peter?

Bud is not cut from the same cloth;  Bud takes after his father while Pete is the spitting image of his mother!

And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling dreams!

Don has a profound need to be punished.  Don't worry, he'll get there eventually if he has to die trying.

I'm pretty sure Bobbie Barrett ends up as Dixie Wetsworth.

Sorry Don, Starkist doesn't want sharks with good taste…

I'm pretty sure Bert is a some species of catfish.

Maybe it was a courtesy to the Soprano family.