
He's Race Bannon.


Yes, Arundel — HH is definitely not blending in very well.

Oh HAI Bob!

What are these "commercials" you speak of?

I vote for "I want to smoke some marijuana" Peggy.

Those kind of apartment entrances do exist but they require keys to open the elevator door.

I agree —- really captured the claustrophobic atmosphere of the cockpit in those Cessnas.

That was definitely being telegraphed as I really thought the comment about flying upside down was a reference to JFK Jr. too.

Totally off-topic but your comment reminds me that I just re-watched "Boogie Nights" which may have the best use of incorporating music — ever.

Yes, good observation.  Chaough even looks a bit like Adam.

Sylvia phoning Don from her kitchen looked like she was made for an audition to play Anita in a road company of "West Side Story" —- or was it a minstrel show?

I think this is more appropriate:

They found my list of least favorite Wiig characters and made sure to do ALL of them.  Come on —- they could have at least done (my personal favorite) Kathy Lee.

I'm sure they thought that sketch was going to be an instant classic (a la Julia Child'd cut finger) but they were wrong…it just lay there.

I think what may have been cut from the final print was the clarification that Mara's character really was a psychopath and did indeed belong exactly where she ended up.

In Baz-world, there’s nothing illogical about mixing Jay-Z with F. Scott Fitzgerald’s cynical portrait of Jazz Age values.

I was just thinking of a flaming rum punch. No, it's not cold enough for that. Not nearly cold enough…Wait a minute…wait a minute…Mulled wine, heavy on the cinnamon and light on the cloves. Off with you, me lad, and be lively!

Get me —- I'm giving out wings!

Yes, but much later after they were already in the black.