
I was quoting Peggy's mother.

Aw come on —- he left the window open a crack didn't he?

"You'll get raped".

"Unless this works, I'm against it."

Let me make this perfectly clear…

"The list of drinks that Bert Cooper wants sound like a leftover Grampa Simpson joke from thatSimpsons spec you know Weiner has locked up in his desk drawer at home."

Growing up on the Upper East Side, I have known a lot of Trudys in my life and Brie completely nails the type.  I think her performance is one of the best on the whole show.

I love that Amy seems to be the only person who can (sometimes) speak to Selina as an (almost) equal.

But Norm MacDonald said it so it must be true.

Robert, I just have to give you a huge thumbs-up for the spot-on Mark Russell and Capitol Steps reference. That completely nails it:  DC's dowdy mediocrity in its purest form.
I just wish someone had used the term: "jive turkey".

Edited to add: Rogers Aching Ticker has a great point.  Advantage: Tom

They lost their biggest client and then Lane embezzled funds from the company. They had already run through all their credit lines. It was a critical juncture.

Since I think they bought a brownstone, yes it would be worth a fortune today but they have some pretty rough times to get through first. I'm thinking they bought near Needle Park.

Duck's Sauced

I'm still trying to get over the trauma of Duck's bare flippers in that episode.  I hate feet!

Dewey, Cheatem & Howe

You and Joan are BOTH mistaken.  Sleeping with Herb was not "for nothing"; it saved SCDP when they were in a vulnerable moment.  They would have sunk without the new client.  They are no longer in that position so Jaguar is no longer essential.  
But Joan's actions did in fact save the company. That can not be undone

no no no!  Mr. Trudy's Father meant that the right thing was NOT to tell her.

Maybe Dr. Rosen lost all his money in a heart transplant company scheme and now they are actually living in the elevators.  I expect to see a line of wash hanging in the next episode…and maybe a couple of chickens running around on the floor.

OK —- Two things I think the review missed: