
"Kill them.  Kill them all!"

Damn you DISQUS —- why do you mock me?

they both looked a lot better clean-shaven.

It was definitely York until Fall 1969.  I can vaguely recall watching and having it interrupted at the beginning.

I'm hoping for some sort of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind mind wipe to purge the memory of that atrocity from my brain.

It was also a way to defy Betty.

Joan's tragedy was that she never realized her true potential.  She believed (because she was indoctrinated thusly) that the limit of her personal power were sabotaging girlfriend/boyfriend relationships or calling the president of Sugarberry Ham.  That's why she slept with Herb —-it was the only way she knew to

Surprise!  There's a chest here to see you!

Absolutely.  And I salute Mad Men for not trying to rewrite history. If one can only see these characters from the perspective of someone with a consciousness from 2013 then they are missing a lot of what makes this show so great.

I think what we see is the reaction these characters had after being traumatized by the JFK assassination.  They had convinced themselves it was a one-time thing; now they begin realize that the rules have changed forever.

Pete is much too old for Vietnam.

Take your stinking paws off me you damned dirty yee yee!

Don't forget that in expressing his outrage he used Trudy's word "shameful".  That was not coincidnetal.

Her name is Black Secretary #2.

I totally agree.  And check out Peggy's pink and kelly green —- she looked like a box of candy —- LOVED IT! I'm also happy to see that someone knew that Nan would take off her gloves for dinner.

"Check out Moss in that scene where she finally gets some contributions from Abe about the apartment hunt. Her face goes through about 15 emotions in the space of five or six seconds. I know she gets Emmy nominations and stuff, but Moss just might be TV’s most underrated performer at this point, capable of complex,

I thought getting to know Bobby a little better was one of the highlights of the episode. The thing with the wallpaper as well as the comments to the usher show that he is really Don's son.  Just really rich stuff there.

I agree.  I dumped Weeds at the end of Season 3 (where they should have wrapped).  I can't believe it's still going…

Zoey is what finally threw me over the edge last season.  I couldn't stand her forced cuteness.

That drop happened in season four.  The series had become a cartoon by then.