
OK — I can buy even the most absurd plot tiwst; what I can't buy is that pill bottle with "ROOFIES" written on it!

The women were the Greek chorus.

Al's comb-over was telegraphing "child molester" from the get go.

I got that too on first viewing. And let's not miss the Robin/Starling angle.

95 minutes of cinematic bliss.  Take the ride.

She blinded you with sigh-ence —- eh?  Well two can play that game. Tall and tan and young and lovely (your eyes are heavy)…. Diamonds, daisies, snowflakes… (you're feeling very sleepy)

Thanks CC.  I don't know HOW I missed that before!
Betty only wanted hot tea —- savin' room for her ice cream…


I'd say the challenge is to put LIFE in his films.

I just couldn't shake the feeling that Sheri Moon Zombie was really Megan Mullally in high snark stoner mode.  This movie is putrid in any case.

Triohead — you made me nostalgic of my schoolgirl days in Copenhagen!  I can taste the stegte løg now!

You've come a long way baybeee

WHEN did you talk to her?  CC do you WANT me to be jealous —-
is that it?

Maybe.  But neither of them hold a candle to Susie Chapstick.

And the famous V-8 campaign is born!

He was reliving the trauma of seeing his stepmother and Uncle Mac through the keyhole which had just resurfaced in his subconscious  as he spied on Peggy doing her pitch.  To complete his wallowing  after watching Megan, I am sure he was hoping to find Mrs. Doctor in the arms of her husband —- "poor me betrayed by

And yet he raised no objections to that hideous getup and hairdo she came up with in Rome (made her look like a refugee from a Carol Burnett Show skit) —— go figure!

Anyone who thinks Don would even entertain the idea of sharing his women with another male doesn't know Don Draper at all.

That got my vote for best line as well.

I thought it was a line written for Melissa McCarthy