
the rare double vomit

Excellent —- it's all falling into place.

D'oh. Stupid gravity.

It's room 222, square!

Time ray reversed and dinosaur hologram split resulting in dinosaur hologram.

What went on up there —-POPPERS AND WEIRD SEX?

Roger and Beth at Briarcliff Manor?
Roger Roger bo barger bananafana  fo farger…

I'd love to kiss you but I just washed my hair —— er — I mean, you're so damn ugly.

Why does that remind me of Charles Nelson Reilly: Inside the Actor's Studio?

Oh hell's bells don't make such a donnybrook about it.
*throws chicken off balcony

Violet Beauregard: What is this, some kind of freak out?

Surprise!  There's an airplane here to see you!

I disagree.  An Emmy is definitely in order for that makeup job alone!

I'm not sure that you do.

Absolutely EPIC!  I never would have believed this show or Sarah Paulson could be so fantastic!  A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+A+A+

I LOVE her —— she is the perfect sourpuss!

Mike White's performance reached new heights in this episode!

KInd of like Chastity Bono —- no?

Trick-or-Treat Charlie Brown.

Gunnar puts me to sleep — patch or no patch.  The last he needed was an additional storyline.  SHEEEEESH!