
She was working that red lipstick!!!

I'm with you Todd; I fast forward through any scenes that don't include Juliette (my favorite) or Rayna.

You don't have to axe me twice.


How could you leave out:  "are you purposely trying to make a murder baby"?

I'm thinking Jacqueline Susann

Great?  IDK.  Disappointing?  surely.

BRILLIANT episode.  That's what I call really pulling a rabbit out of your hat!

Anyone who has spent considerable amounts of time in airport lounges knows that the Bill Brasky bit was spot-on genius.

Oh, Madge!

I feel about this show the same way I felt about "The Comeback".  They are both too quirkily brilliant for the mass audience.

But the real question is:  Is she gonna do that Judy Garland movie or not?

I love you ALice B. Toklas!

She sings "Radio Radio"

But I prefer J-Low (Judith Lowry)

It just got worse; now they have the cheesy fools from the Today Show.

Watching NBC now.  Who ARE these morons they have on the red carpet?

Sue Ann comes out of the shower at Southfork and announces that it was all a dream.

The real difference is that here, you are among your people.

Toughened your nipples, didn't it Senator?