
We're just keepin it Rio.

No. Pepper is sneezy face.

That makes Todd Sister Jude, right?

I'm clearly insane.

she's got half-and-half too?

I have a head for business and a bod for sin.

Can we please call him Lil Bloody Face?

Lana, did you breastfeed Bloody Face Jr.?
Yes I did.
Toughened your nipples, didn't it?

And yet not even one chocolate milk joke!

And he really hasn't taken very good care of that apartment.

Yes —- it was a murder of lezzies.

Trapper Keeper ready to absorb.

I don't see Alma in calico.

I am tough…..but I'm no cookie.  All I can say is: read my book.

Hal needs an enema.

Hal needs an enema.

Weirdly, would you bring the car around front?

Weirdly, would you bring the car around front?

DA has stolen from UD shamelessly.
