Mr. Deltoid

Maybe he was actually stirred, not shaken.

In battle they looked like a cross between Mongols and Plains Indians.

Or even mammal.

A traditionally pillaging, raping, enslaving army at that.

More unusual than being a shapeshifting assassin?

A battery of scorpions all firing at once could be pretty effective.

The Bran they knew is about 1% of his consciousness. He's not really an asshole, he just doesn't have time of energy for human niceties. I was was like that through most of my teens and 20s. (But then, I'm autistic.)

I had the same thought. I would solve both their problems… till they find out they're related. Nah, no problem.

No, she was spared because Jaime falsely told their captors that her home was called the "Emerald Isle" because they had loads of emeralds and were super-rich. When they found out the name was because of the emerald-green water, they put her in a pit with a hungry bear, lineage be damned.

I was talking about the rise and fall of the variety show and how, for a while , anyone even moderately famous—John Davidson, Tony Orlando, the Starland Vocal Band—seemed to be able to get their own show.

I never saw this, despite being a teenager when it came out.

People thought Nixon's resignation was the end of that particular strain of conservatism, but a generation later we had his junior officials (Cheney, Rumsefeld, etc) back in senior positions.

"Nothing's too good for the man who shot Liberty Valance!"

My wife's reaction was, "The '70s were… weird." Then I told her about pet rocks.

No pop culture at all, unless you count explaining to my wife who Tony Orlando is/was.

Wait… do you mean really wild or just feral?

What company manufactures this, and what is the target market?

But dogs have far superior senses of hearing and smell. Surely that evens things up somewhat.

"Making Jimmy laugh"…. And thus was a new euphemism born.

($370 in the bank) $50 on Grey Worm, $50 on the field, $50 on the under.