Mr. Deltoid

The passing of a great playwright and actor. A rare combination.

Easy come, easy go.

I don't like to put things in my mouth if I don't know where they've been.

Indeed. We live amid a gloriously, deliriously varied panorama of buttons. Who could wish it otherwise?

Public shamings are national holidays.

Vision-addicted Bran reminds me of myself in my 20s. I was lots of fun at parties.

In which case his surname would definitely be Snow.

Some buttons have two holes. Some have more.

Can we please get a review that's barely more than a recap? And in less thudding prose?

In that case… what kind of ent family are you?

Not remotely true in my case.

But seeing a naked person is completely unacceptable. The US has bizarre values.

I bought a few pairs of shoes….

Or the original Randy Newman version.

Saw Hail Caesar!, which was fun. I especially liked the way they got the color, texture and feel of the films within the film just about right. And there's a communist cell headed by a Professor Marcuse! If this were a first effort by a new filmmaker, it'd be an event, but t feels like the Coens working at 70% energy

Set in the Civil War, but popular becasuse of Vietnam.

Sometimes love is blind, deaf and stupid.

Other than members of the military, the only people I've heard use that word in that way are cops and, yep, mafia wannabes.

Yeah,, considering that the typical sex scene on this show involves incest, rape, torture, manipulation or simple prostitution, it was refreshing to see two people make love with genuine feeling.

Do you really think 12 years is an insurmountable obstacle?