Mr. Deltoid

A cat… but is it living or dead, or both?

That's really, really awful handwriting and spelling for a nine-year old. So Trump probably wrote it himself.

If it was good enough for Neil Young, it's god enough for me.

Jorah Marmont had reached his limit. It was now Mid-August, which meant he had been separated from Danaerys for more than two months. Two months, and all he had to show was three dog-eared letters and two very expensive long-distance ravens….

Or tick, if you happen to speak British English in your area of Essos.

Especially in reference to Sam's treatment.

My nine-year-old son loves the Beatles, loves live music, and would have loved this. Too bad we'll probably never get the chance. On the other hand, he also likes the Violent Femmes.

Early '90s: My ex-girlfriend and I visited her mom and got into it while Mom was out, without bothering to close the bedroom door. Somehow, Mom got back into the house without us hearing, walked upstairs, and got an eyeful of us in action. Without a word, she quickly shut the door and went downstairs to make dinner.

It depends on the culture. Most people don't know it, but Jewish boys are traditionally presented with nipple clamps at their Bar Mitzvah. Mexican girls get them at their quinceanera.

As in "Homer Simpson" or "home run" or "the reputed author of the Iliad"?

Still absolutely no dating in my life. My wife, heartless tyrant that she is, is just fine with that.

"I'm smart! Smart! Not stupid, like everyone says."

Why does Dan assume that the first and third writers are moms, not dads?

Not to mention that ship captain who actually helped them.

Thanks. I was thinking of the play, Everybody Comes to Rick's from which the film was adapted. That was from before the US entered the war.

Though Americans if German ancestry actually outnumber Italian-Americans.

Casablanca was filmed in 1941, before the US entered the war.

Regarding Jorah's severely painful medical flaying—whatever happened to "milk of the poppy"?

Yep, came to my senses and edited my post before I saw these comments.

Edited that before your comment was posted. Thanks!