Mr. Deltoid

The sequence where Sam carves off Jorah’s infected tissue in secret, stopping every few moments to shush his patient, is presented as comic relief why?

We had it covered due to my anal budgeting….

Relax, you can't spoil history.

Are you Hitler?

My wife saw it and simply didn't relate to it for generational and cultural reasons, though she enjoyed it as an anthropological document. Which was disheartening, since it's exactly the time and place I'm from.

That all sounds great (except the extra charges).

I'm imagining the 2017 update: Bernice Gets a Brazilian.

I was in the audience when it came out, and I hated it.

My blood pressure went up just reading that.

Saw Pete's Dragon with the boys. Good, if formulaic—"Puff the Magic Dragon" meets E.T. The boys quite liked it. Robert Redford's still working now and then, which I find somehow comforting.

Max was probably pretty inaccurate about Hitler's character. Women supposedly found Hitler charming, but "Hitler" in the film would send women running very fast in the other direction.


Unless, of course, that's actually how the happy couple met.

After the wars are over and everyone is dead, Edmure will find a way out of the Dungeon, Gendry will reach land, and the two of them will live happily ever after together.

But Cersei has a personal vendetta against Tyrion, so he's probably the biggest fish to her.

($130) $40 on the field, $40 on no one on the list.


I'd like to see a Brienne-Tyrion pairing, just for the visual impact.

How does the over/under deaths work in terms of payoff?

All I can say is, you were lucky. What was a nice mole like you doing out in the deep woods anyway?