Mr. Deltoid

The problem is that age isn't always apparent, unless you walk around checking IDs. Many years ago, when I met my now-wife, I almost wrote her off because I thought she was too young for my personal rule of not dating anyone the age of my undergraduate students. After a short conversation, I discovered that she looked

And how old was God at that point?

He's more of an omnivore.

I think we have to make a distinction between " don't like" and "aren't attracted to."

I think you've just invented a new euphemism.

Well, better than its short-lived sister publication, Barely Illegal.

Out of ten girls in my high-school class, there was just one who present-day me would want to know, or even be able to tolerate for more than ten minutes.

The other person can remind you what you're doing.

The most intense sexual experiences I've had involved LSD and peyote, so there's that

Yes, but Germany-conservative and Taiwan-conservative are two very different things

She just wants you as part of her clinical study,

That's why the Finns take frequent ferry trips to Estonia.

Iceland also held its banks accountable and instituted real reforms after the recent financial crisis.

1. Sure you can. loosen up!
2. And they're home to most of the urban wildlife that people are fond of.
3. See #1.

I prefer my raunch with less squish.


The danger with that is that if might have the opposite effect.

My wife is Taiwanese, but she's more sweet & sour.

I know nothing of Baltimore except Edgar Allan Poe and John Waters, but I don't know if that's a representative view of the city.

I'm in Taipei now. Not bad, but there's not much professionally for me and it's too conservative for my taste.