
A terrific book. This year's 'Presumed Innocent', worthy of all the hype of Turow's first novel. Some people are complaining about the ending but I thought it was brilliant. Horrifying but brilliant.

Totally right, of course, about ALIENS and how the insert kills all the dread. What I wish had been left in the theatrical cut, however, was the mention of Ripley's daughter, who dies an old woman before she returned. That makes her relationship with Newt even more profound and affecting.

Totally right, of course, about ALIENS and how the insert kills all the dread. What I wish had been left in the theatrical cut, however, was the mention of Ripley's daughter, who dies an old woman before she returned. That makes her relationship with Newt even more profound and affecting.

Agreed! It's one of my favorite pieces of film music.

I also miss the original, which is online at ArtofTheTitle.com. Scroll down past The Player:

His death was truly a loss. I love all three, Ripley in particular. (And Truly, Madly, Deeply is also an excellent film.) He had a gift for taking great novels and turning them into excellent movies, which few people can do well, as numerous train-wrecks of the past illuminate. The transitions from past to present and