
What it sounds like is that I'll keep logging in with my parents' verizon and netflix passwords. Especially if they start charging for individual channels.

Yeah, I guess I jumped the gun, since I wasn't sure quite how that worked - whether, if they had their own studio, they'd have more control over…everything.
I do wonder what they'd come up with though, if they had their own studio. On the nerdist writer's podcast they talked about non-ATLA projects (shows?) that

Yo Bryke, please just do a kickstarter campaign to start your own animation studio. I would happily give a ton of money towards that, just to fucking avoid the biannual shitstorm that is Nickelodeon fucking this show over.

When I was little some crazy racist person convinced me that you could only dress up as something that was your race, so I only dressed up as a gypsy like three years in a row because that was the only ethnically-ambiguous costume I could think of.

A Zomburglar costume sounds amazing. I vote for that one.

Yeah I'm assuming next week we'll be seeing him hunt those two girls for sport.

Yeah it sounds like he's doing Heart of Darkness in Japan. Which…could be cool. I haven't read it since college though, during a phase where I was obsessed with the kakure kirishitan, but I don't recall it having even remotely that kind of structure.

I felt like it was obvious that Donnie had to be her monitor, because there's no way anyone that indifferent to his wife and family would stay around after being tied up and tortured like that (seeing the congealed glue on his chest was more horrifying than Vic getting his hand nailed, but then again I've got a thing

The tsunami can't be the 10 most harrowing minutes [folks] are likely to see this year, because that would be the ducklings in Toronto trying to cross a highway.

The tsunami can't be the 10 most harrowing minutes [folks] are likely to see this year, because that would be the ducklings in Toronto trying to cross a highway.