
"The 2000's were the best! We need more music like this! Thumbs up if you agree!"
            -Paraphrased YouTube Comments

Seinfeld also had plots driven by answering machines (the kind with tapes in them!), two-line phones and video stores. How am I supposed to follow these stores with their weird, mid-90s technology?

Seinfeld also had plots driven by answering machines (the kind with tapes in them!), two-line phones and video stores. How am I supposed to follow these stores with their weird, mid-90s technology?

Cranston Cranston, why ya buggin?

Cranston Cranston, why ya buggin?

There are several subsidiary Whedons. Would you settle for one of those?

There are several subsidiary Whedons. Would you settle for one of those?

I feel that your confusion regarding the matter may be somewhat less than sincere.

I feel that your confusion regarding the matter may be somewhat less than sincere.

It's sad that Lincoln was assassinated, but living to be 203 would be way worse.

It's sad that Lincoln was assassinated, but living to be 203 would be way worse.

He's leasing the space from Caden Cotard.

He's leasing the space from Caden Cotard.

I'm fascinated by the existence of a venue called La Chocolaterie.  I'm just going to assume it's a stage in the middle of a functioning chocolate factory. Please don't rob me of this beautiful vision.

I'm fascinated by the existence of a venue called La Chocolaterie.  I'm just going to assume it's a stage in the middle of a functioning chocolate factory. Please don't rob me of this beautiful vision.

It's a mass of incandescent gas.  A gigantic nuclear furnace.

It's a mass of incandescent gas.  A gigantic nuclear furnace.

Please continue to work your way through the album, Craig.

Please continue to work your way through the album, Craig.

His name was Dan Harmon.